To set up for cat-cow, you’ll bring your hands right underneath your shoulders in a straight line, with your knees right under the hips. You may want to spread your fingers out so you’re giving your wrist some support.
Next, draw your shoulders down and away from your ears. Following your breath on the inhale, lift your chin and lift your tailbone while simultaneously lowering your torso.
Then on the exhale, push down into your hands and knees while you tuck in your chin and stretch your back as you push it towards the ceiling.
Continue this movement, with the tail and chin lifted through your inhaling breath, and tucking your chin inward and pushing your back upward during your exhale.
After a few rounds, notice if you feel any increase in movement in your back any change in flexibility over time. This exercise can be performed as many times as you need to throughout the day. For individuals with back injuries or low back pain, we recommend keeping your spine moving to help reduce stiffness.