Is Physiotherapy Good for Neck Pain?

Understand the effectiveness of physiotherapy for neck pain.


Not only can physiotherapy help neck pain, but it’s also often the most effective treatment. Neck pain is a frequent complaint that physiotherapists can help reduce with patient cooperation. Physiotherapy for neck pain is beneficial since it relieves pain while also identifying and treating the underlying cause of the problem to prevent it from recurring. 

As the neck connects to your head, chest, and spine, neck pain can cause pain to your entire body. For this reason, you need to take care of neck pain quickly. Start by getting answers to your questions about physiotherapy and how it makes you an active participant in your neck pain recovery.

Can physiotherapy help neck pain?

One of the most common treatments for chronic neck discomfort is physiotherapy. Most neck pain therapies entail using treatments to relieve pain and stiffness long enough to begin a strengthening and stretching exercise program. Physiotherapy methods and exercises and the length of the treatment plans differ by person, type of injury, and other factors.

The typical goals of physiotherapy for neck pain start with reducing stiffness and pain. Next, the goal shifts to an increasing range of motion and then strengthening the muscles. From there, a physiotherapist will start providing exercises to prevent future discomfort. Over time the therapy can help improve neck posture and function for daily activities, even if discomfort cannot be totally eradicated.

How does physiotherapy help neck pain?

Physiotherapy can dramatically improve your life by tackling neck pain through multiple methods. The first type of physiotherapy involves your active participation, and it’s aptly named active therapy. Passive therapy can complement active therapy, but it’s the therapist who does the work instead of you. 

Active therapy teaches you how to stretch and exercise your neck stretches. Stretches and exercises are suggested to train cervical spine muscles. If physical treatment is prescribed to improve neck strength and function, back and core muscles may also benefit. These muscle groups support the spine and improve posture. 

Exercise increases blood flow and respiration as the heart and lungs work harder. Low-impact aerobic activities that do not perturb the spine include cycling, swimming with a mask and snorkel to prevent neck rotation, and brisk walking. Swimming helps, too, as buoyancy relieves pressure on the spine while enabling the muscles to operate. 

Passive therapy includes treatments like ice, heat, and massage. With new technology comes more options. Electrotherapy sends an electrical current to stimulate muscle contractions, which will lead to tissue healing and Pain relief. Ultrasounds can also help by sending sound waves beneath the skin to the tissues many find relaxing. 

Why is physiotherapy good for neck pain?

Doctors love physiotherapy as it can improve the quality of life for patients. Additionally, therapy can help to reduce or remove the need for neck surgery. In most cases, a therapist can design an individualized treatment program to help reduce posture problems and accelerate recovery and make more comfortable with less pain. Here are the main benefits of physiotherapy for neck problems. 

Physiotherapists choose activities and treatments designed to loosen stiff joints. Physiotherapists may perform passive motions to move your spine, or you may do active exercises and stretches. These motions can be made at home, at work, and before sports to speed healing and relieve pain. 

Next, A physiotherapist will check for tight muscles and teach you home stretching exercises. These exercises will help you gain strength and mobility for proper movement by gently restoring strength and agility if you find any weak or injured muscles. Core strengthening or stabilization is used to restore neck muscles’ strength and coordination. 

Furthermore, physiotherapy helps to increase stamina. Neck pain sufferers should build muscle endurance, and therapy will include an exercise program to help you regain the endurance you had before the neck pain. With assigned exercises for home tailored to each person, the exercises will reduce and speed up recovery and prevent further injury. 

When is physiotherapy recommended for neck pain?

Muscle strain is the most prevalent cause of neck pain. In addition, whiplash, poor posture, and unusual sleeping positions can contribute to neck discomfort. Neck discomfort can also be caused by degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis, or a herniated disc in the cervical spine. The pain associated with these diseases can range from mild to severe, but thankfully, physiotherapy can help alleviate most (if not all) of the discomfort.

Muscles, tendons, ligaments, discs, and nerves can cause neck discomfort and stiffness. Neck discomfort can also start in or spread to other parts of the body, including the upper back, shoulders, and jaw. It can also migrate up into the brain, creating migraines in the back of the head, behind the eyes, or around the temples.

Over time the end goal of physiotherapy does not focus just on recovery but on a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, when therapy is over, you should have the tools to prevent future problems and handle any minor pain. Essentially, therapy teaches patients the proper techniques to improve their health through education and movement.

The main benefits of physiotherapy allow patients to avoid painful surgeries with long recovery times and pain medications to manage pain. However, why pain medicines can temporarily reduce pain, they cannot teach you how to move or prevent pain. Physiotherapy can help make you knowledgeable of what your body needs and puts you in charge of your pain instead of the other way around. 

What does a physiotherapist do for neck pain?

A physiotherapist will have you perform various exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles that support your neck. You will also learn how to increase your range of motion and posture. To assist you to acquire good postures, the physiotherapist may have you exercise in front of a mirror so that you can see and correct your flaws. 

Physiotherapists and chiropractors use cervical traction to relieve pain and enhance motion. Traction opens the gaps between the cervical vertebrae and relieves pressure on the afflicted discs by gradually extending the neck. Neck traction can be applied continuously or intermittently, with short periods of stretching and resting in between. 

People can also perform cervical traction at home. Specific equipment allows you to execute cervical traction while lying down, such as pulley systems that can be attached to a doorway. If you want to undertake cervical traction on your own, you should first consult with a physiotherapist or chiropractor to ensure you have the required equipment and know-how to set it up properly. 

Soft cervical collars are often used as a reminder to continue proper posture and range of motion techniques to stabilize the neck. Although rigid cervical collars immobilize the neck, they are painful to wear for lengthy periods. Follow the therapist’s regimen to prevent issues. 

What are the main causes of neck pain?

While many things can cause neck pain, several causes are the normal reasons for pain in this location. Whiplash, acute wry neck, and postural neck pain are typical neck ailments. Physiotherapy is useful in all these cases.

An acute wry neck means you cannot turn or tilt your neck in one way. As a result, people wake up with a locked neck and intense discomfort while moving. Lifting heavy objects or sleeping in an awkward position are usually the culprit. In addition, the spasming neck muscles inhibit joint movement.

Age-related degeneration, bad posture, repetitive activity, hard lifting, or trauma like a fall or automobile accident injury can cause a bulging disc. In addition, a bulging disc can irritate surrounding nerves, causing referred pain to the shoulder or down the arm, or even pins and needles or numbness.

When the head is jerked forward, and backward, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves are overstretched. As a result, whiplash can induce neck and head pain. It can also cause pins and needles or arm numbness. Whiplash injuries need early treatment to avoid persistent issues.

Postural and work-related neck and shoulder pain are common in offices. Awkward postures, extended sitting, and repeated hand and finger movements cause neck pain. Sedentary desk workers who don’t alter their workspace are more prone to get neck pain. Many people use computers and other devices with their heads down. Poor posture can weaken deep neck and shoulder blade muscles and tense front or top shoulders.

Why choose Portland Wellness Care for physiotherapy for neck pain?

Portland Wellness Care provides stellar care, including physiotherapy to reduce neck discomfort. We also use various integrated medical resources, combining western and eastern medical services, to provide you with the care your body requires. We provide same-day and walk-in appointments with the best professionals for quick sprain treatment. 

A team of therapists will create a personalized physiotherapy treatment plan to help reduce neck pain and recover from trauma or injury. In addition, we can help you improve mobility with exceptional care. To begin your recovery, call Portland Wellness Care right now to make an appointment with one of our providers.


Neck pain is a common complaint that physiotherapists can help decrease. Muscles, tendons, ligaments, discs, and nerves can cause neck stiffness. Neck pain might originate in or expand to the upper back, shoulders, and jaw while leading to complications in your entire life. Portland Wellness Care has a team of professionals you need to get better and start enjoying life again. Call us today so we can start your recovery journey for a healthy and comfortable life. 


Portland Wellness Care offers free consultations for patients who have questions, such as: What is the best treatment plan for me? What services will help me most? What the out-of-pocket costs might I incurred? How long will my treatment plan last?
or call us today at (971) 379-2455
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